
In addition to our curated marketplace and educational resources, the Wishing Well witches also provide the following services:

1-Hour Coaching - $50
Contact one of our coaches via phone, Skype, Google Hangouts, or another agreed-upon technology for one hour to discuss your writing career, plus one follow-up email summary.

Query Letter Review - $15
Editor will give you a critique with recommendations on your query letter.

5-Page Marketing Plan - $50
Publicist will write you up a 5-page plan of action for marketing your book or series based on an email, social media, or phone interview to determine your personal needs.

Developmental Editing - $0.004 / word
Editor will read full manuscript and give a written review of plot, character development, pacing, continuity, overall writing craft with specific examples.

Copy Editing - $0.0055 / word
Editor will read full manuscript and leave track changes for specific problems on sentence structure, comprehension, continuity, some grammar with some summary on any small developmental problems.

Proofreading - $0.004 / word
Editor will read full manuscript and leave track changes on grammar, typographical errors, sentence structure, and minor changes.

Layout (Internal / External) - $150

Ebook Conversion (All platforms) by hand -
Up to 30k, one format: $50
Up to 30k, two formats: $75
Up to 100k, one format: $100
Up to 100k, two formats: $150
Up to 100k, three formats: $200
Every 5k over 100k: + $10 per format

Galleys Proof (electronic or bound) - $50

The Acquisitions Editor Review - $75
Cover letter
Up to 5-page Synopsis
Review of first 5 pages, middle 5 pages, and last 5 pages of full manuscript
Editor will write a letter with some specific notes using track changes.

The Full Editing Package - $0.07 / word
1 round developmental edits
1 round copyedits
1 round proofreading
Editor will write a letter for each round with track changes in the document. Final word count based on manuscript at copyediting count.

Editing, Layout, and Conversion -
Full Editing Package
Layout for physical book
Ebook conversion across all platforms

Deluxe Package -
Full Editing Package
2 ISBNs for appropriate imprint

Basic Marketing Consult -
General overview with 6 month marketing plan.

Career Coaching Package -
Seven 1-hour coaching sessions in your agreed-upon technology plus seven follow-up emails.

The Unicorn Luxury Package - $1200
Deluxe package
Basic Marketing Consult
Career Coaching Package

The Wishing Well Team reserves the right to refuse service or refuse clients for any reason. 


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